Masuk Daftar

hati membesar bahasa Inggris

  • hati:    heart; liver; the heart of; centre; mind; sum;
  • membesar:    dilate; grew; grow; grown; outgrew; outgrow;
  • membesar:    dilate; grew; grow; grown; outgrew; outgrow; outgrowing; outgrown; distended; wax; distribute; tumesce; puff; tumefy; flourish; boom; exposit; expound; enlarge; well; expand; distend; evolve; spread
  • membesar-besarkan:    gave a false colour to; give a false colour to; given a false colour to; giving a false colour to; piled it on; stick it on; sticking it on; stuck it on; exaggerate; make a mountain out of a molehil
  • jantung yang membesar:    enlarged heart
  • membesar dgn keterlaluan:    overgrown
  • pembayaran yang membesar:    ballon payment
  • perbuatan membesar-besarkan:    exaggeration
  • terlalu membesar-besarkan:    pile it on
  • hati:    heart; liver; the heart of; centre; mind; sum; emotions; pith; heart and soul; heart suit; interior; substance; core; bosom; meat; nub; tertiary syphilis; marrow; center; spirit; mettle; inwardness;
  • hati-hati:    beware; bewared; bewaring; careful; had a care; having a care; haw a care; hawed a care; hawing a care; neglectless; on the ball; on the job; take heed; wary; carefully; cautious; chary; deliberate;
  • bekerja dengan hati-hati:    take pains; taken pains; taking pains
  • berbicara dengan hati-hati:    weigh words
  • berjalan dengan hati-hati:    pick pay; tread lightly; treading lightly; trod lightly; trodden lightly
  • berjalan hati-hati:    pick steps; pick one’s way